Privacy with Plants

If you need privacy in your yard, but don’t want to deal with the hassle of installing a fence, plants are a great alternative! There’s a great selection of trees, shrubs, and vines that can help you turn your property into a secluded retreat.

Check out these landscaping ideas for creating the perfect getaway in your very own backyard.

  • Hedges: A hedge is created by planting a single plant specimen in a row. Popular varieties to use include arborvitae and privet.
  • Staggered Rows of Trees or Shrubs: Install trees (or shrubs) in 2 or 3 rows. When planting keep in mind mature size and space accordingly.  Stagger or offset the trees so when plants reach maturity the gaps between the rows are filled in.
  • Layered or Mixed Planting Beds: Create a natural look by installing planting beds that incorporate a variety of trees and shrubs of various heights.  Use a variety of evergreen and deciduous plants to create interest.  Cluster plants in groups (odd numbers work best).  Incorporate grasses and perennials for added textures and colors.
  • Single Specimen: There are situations when a single specimen (tree or shrub) may be all that is needed to block a view or give privacy. Proper placement is key in this type of situation.  Move the plant around and look at it from all directions to ensure the desired results.

Things to consider when selecting plants to create privacy:

  • Determine your overall goal. Do you want complete privacy or only to block the neighbor’s garage?
  • Choose plants that are suitable for the area. What is the growing zone?  Is the area in full sun or shade?  Are the plants going to be in areas that get high winds?  Putting the wrong plant in the wrong place can be detrimental to that plant’s health.
  • Choose larger specimens. This will help create the privacy that you are seeking sooner.
  • The overall maintenance of the plants and landscape beds. Most plant material will require trimming throughout the season to keep the desired growth habit of the plant.  Landscape beds will need weeding and mulching.  If taking on these tasks yourself, be realistic in the time that is needed to maintain.

With proper plant selection and layout, you can create the privacy you desire, while also creating yearlong interest for your landscape.  Browse our Pinterest boards for more landscaping ideas this season!

If you’re interested in learning more about how plants and shrubs can enhance the security and privacy of your property, get in touch with us today!

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