SPRING is in the AIR… Let’s TEAM UP to CLEAN UP!

The snow and ice have finally melted, but the winter has left our yards and patios in desperate need of a major spring-cleaning. Now is the perfect time to get some essential spring maintenance done. Then, as temperatures warm up, you’ll be ready to enjoy the outdoors. Typical spring maintenance includes the trimming or pruning of damaged trees and shrubs, clean-up and mulching of landscape beds, removal of debris from turf grass, and prepping outdoor gathering spaces.

Why Trim in Spring?

Trimming shrubbery in spring allows for shaping and controlling of plant growth.  It will also allow you to redirect plant growth (i.e. away from a walkway or window). Pruning dead and damaged branches from shrubs and trees will let the plant heal quicker and can prevent the entrance of harmful insects and disease.  New buds will form and allow the plant to thicken its growth and keep it from appearing lanky or “wild.” With the investment in plant material and the value that they add to your property, it is best to keep them in good health.

Mulching Makes Sense

Besides making your landscape beds look fresh and aesthetically pleasing, mulching has a lot of other benefits.  Mulching your landscape beds annually helps to retain moisture in the ground, block weeds from germinating, protect against soil erosion around the plant and insulate plant roots. As it breaks down, mulch adds organic matter to the soil, which adds beneficial nutrients for plants to uptake through their roots.  Spring mulching also provides the opportunity to use a pre-emergent herbicide underneath the mulch that helps to keep the weed seeds in the soil from germinating.  Weeds can deprive the plant material from nutrients and moisture in the soil.

Prepping Your Patio

Whether you have a deck or patio, a few simple cleaning chores can turn it from a winter-neglected spot into a fun outdoor gathering space.

  • Furniture- If your patio furniture has been out in the weather all winter, it will need to be scrubbed clean. If it has been stored instead, now is the time to brush it off and return it to the patio.
  • Grills- If you have a grill, check its connections and operations, following all safety guidelines. Clean the grills and handles, lubricate the lid, and get ready for yummy barbecues.
  • Lighting- If your patio area includes exterior lighting, check that bulbs are snugly screwed in and that all fixtures are working appropriately. Remove any rodent, bird, or insect nests and clean the fixtures so they will shine as brightly as possible.

With slowly rising temperatures, longer days, and signs of life reawakening all around us – the onset of spring is a chance to reboot, renew, and start fresh – in all aspects of life. Spring cleaning – just feels good.

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